• 08/01

    Photography © Studio Kalliomäki Minimalism is getting to be one of those things that people either hate or live by. I’m one of those who lives by it - and though there are many ways it’s changed my life and turned it around for the best, I'm going to give you 5 reasons why you should at least be up to giving it a try before you knock it.

    What is minimalism?

    Minimalism, by definition, is a style or technique (as in music, literature, or design) that is characterized by extreme spareness and simplicity.

    This might be where people say, "Wait, what?!" - Let’s face it, no one wants to live in "extreme spareness" - but how can having and doing less give you more? I agree that minimalism is simple... but it’s not in any way deprived of value. In fact, minimalism is a tool that can help every area of your life because it’s all about maximizing your outcomes with less effort.

    I personally see it as a state of mindfulness in which you are able to live your life in a rich, effortless and more fulfilled way.

    What can minimalism do for you?

    1. Give you more energy

    Minimalism helps you declutter you life in general, it helps you to be more mindful of the things you dedicate yourself to, the things you attain and the effort you spend taking care of anything - whether material or otherwise. The less you have on your plate, the more energy you can focus on those things that will truly make an impact in your life.

    2. Give you more time

    Minimalism changes your life by teaching you how to use your time more effectively and it frees up a crapload of that time so that you don’t always feel spent. Minimalism dispels the myth of the "glamour" that many relate to living as workaholics. It teaches you the value of time well used and the necessity of taking time out to do nothing at all.

    3. Give you more money

    The less money you spend on trivial things, the more money you can save or invest in things that are going to be of value. That will improve the quality of your life. It helps you understand that everything you purchase at some point will either break, need maintenance or wear out - and it instantly helps you make the right decisions when it comes to spending. Think about it as the voice of reason. How many times have you worried about not being able to afford something important because you’ve spent your money on superfluous stuff? I know you know what I'm talking about.

    4. Give you more quality

    Minimalism allows you to create a life of quality: It organizes and adds breathing space to every area of your life - from your home to your mind. It allows you to let go of material things and notions that have been weighing you down. The more you allow it to fill your life, the more you'll enjoy your life (and those who are part of it).

    5. Give you more peace

    Focus is a side effect of decluttering your life. With that comes peace - an inner feeling of satisfaction and certainty that you are taking the right steps and the right decisions for you and the ones you love - that you are living within your means and that you are being productive and present. Simply, it helps you sleep better at night.

    I can assure you that the benefits of minimalism far exceed the effort of undergoing a shift in perspective - letting go of the things or practices you might be convinced are the right way to do things right now. It’s up to each person to find their way through it: Start with what makes you feel the most comfortable and see how it adds more value to your life... and before long you’ll reap the rewards of making those simple shifts - and you’ll start experiencing the 5 things listed above.

    Now, which side are you on in the minimalism battle?
  • 04/28

    Photography © Fantastic FrankMinimalism has been my life long time now and will be for many more to come. It's all about the essentials, about not over-accessorizing or owning things you don't need so it naturally focuses on function without compromising looks. For years Minimalists have been pinned as cold because of our monochrome displays and our fidgety passion for organization. Soft Minimalism comes to break all walls and perfectly marries contemporary and minimal. Stopping right at the point in which having less is no longer functional. It also introduces more color, rounded and classic shapes and allows you a real balance if you're not about to strip your life of all the things you deem important. We launched a Collection via our shop last year that clearly exemplifies that. It's a warm type of minimalism translated to blog design which you loved and you asked back. Clearly, we decided to relaunch that and here you find 6 Soft Minimal themes for your eyes, an blogs.
Here you’ll find curated stories and products from both established and emerging talents; celebrating culture through art, fashion, design and architecture. Please note that we may receive a small commission when you buy using our product links.

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